Sexual innuendos in disney movies

The censors didn't stand a chance. If you thought Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall were really just talking about whistling, these surprisingly racy film clips will set you straight. It turns out some feisty banter can be much sexier than full-frontal nudity, and that Cary Grant was something of a horndog, not to mention a bit of a slut-shamer. This month, we're sharing steamy personal stories, exploring ways to have even better sex, and wading through the complicated dynamics that follow us into the bedroom.

As others have said, they could be doing far worse. Antinor01 , PM Hello, My daughter, who is a college student in California, was invited to a party where they planned to watch The Little Mermaid on a bigscreen film projector.

Thanx :dubious: Just to clarify, did she say they planned to look for and discuss sexual innuendo or are you reading that into it? If the first, then yes it's a bit odd but not neccessarily that far out there. If the latter then I wouldn't worry about it.

Cartoons are fun for kids of all ages. I took an honors seminar called "America in the s", and one of the class assignments was to watch a movie that was either made or set in the s and write a one-page paper about it. Lobelia Overhill , PM Has anyone heard of any get-togethers where ppl sit around and look for and discuss sexual innuendos in Disney movies?

Thanx :dubious: I'd a friend who had a toddler and a collection of Disney videos, when we heard about the "erection" in The Little Mermaid and the "sex in the dust" in The Lion King we watched both.

I'm Someone charged a buck or two per head to offset basic costs projector and bulbs, film, etc and one girl's lawyer daddy shut us down can't charge I watched Cinderella this way. The girls chose it, but let me tell you this: I really was stunned to find myseld liking the movie. Sure, I fantasized about a real Cinderella, but in the end I am very normal. But forget that -- the mice alone were worth the price of admission. And when Cindy-rella pulled out the spare glass slipper after the evil stepmother tripped one of the King's men resulting in a broken test slipper I'm not ashamed to like that movie, and when my kids fire up the VCR, I am quite happy to pop that in.

It's a great moment. And the flipside is when the stepsisters destroy the first dress that Cinderella makes from her mother's old gown. It's one of the purest depictions of selfishness and evil I've ever seen on the screen.

It's really an amazing movie. I'm a little skeptical of that. Girls, sure. I just find it hard to believe there are many college guys that would care to see it. Don't get me wrong, if The Transformers Movie was playing in a nearby cinema, I wouldn't be typing this right now.

Certainly, finding little surprises like these in every film could have added a whole other realm of entertainment to the movies, turning each film into a game to see who can spot the Easter egg first.

Of course, Disney is the ultimate child-friendly media powerhouse, and it would probably never actually approve of such adult hidden messages making their ways into the movies for fear of repercussions. Here are only a few: 1.

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Certainly, finding little surprises like these in every film could have added a whole other realm of entertainment to the movies, turning each film into a game to see who can spot the Easter egg first. Of course, Disney is the ultimate child-friendly media powerhouse, and it would probably never actually approve of such adult hidden messages making their ways into the movies for fear of repercussions. Here are only a few: 1. Rub it several times and something will come out?

Disney Movie Innuendos

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When Ally tried to speak Zalien to Zip and Zilch, they told her to watch her language cause youngaloopters were present, suggesting Ally may have unknowingly cursed. Innuendo in the songs Illusion The line I'll be your entertainer, I'm putting on a show could be interpreted inappropriately and sexually. The line I'm gonna levitate you, leave you wa-wa-wanting more could be interpreted inappropriately. It could be a reference to sex.