Cate blanchett dating

For me, however, this is an important decision on her part: the idea that sexuality doesn't have to have labels if the participants don't want them. Personally, I am proudly bisexual ; it's a label with serious queer political connotations and a certain interpretation of gender attraction division equal to both — and that works for me.

But I also think it's important for people to feel comfortable not defining themselves in labels if they don't want to — not out of fear or privacy, but because self-definition is ultimately everybody's right.

For all we can say "I wish she'd been open about it earlier," Blanchett was already married to her husband before she hit the international stage with Elizabeth in It probably didn't top her agenda as a thing to discuss.

Also, considering that Ellen Degeneres' sitcom was cancelled in after she came out as gay, it's not as if Blanchett was entering the profession at an LGBT-friendly time. Her casual reveal shows just how much things have changed since then — and thank heavens for that. They have some of the same legal rights as heterosexual couples when it comes to taxation and social security, but don't have the same worker's compensation death benefits or partner benefits for Defense Force veterans.

Just to give you an idea how bad things are, in Tasmania, homosexuality only became legal in And there's huge community discrimination; a survey by the government of Victoria found that 85 percent of all LGBT people had experienced harassment or abuse. For all the gay-friendliness of Sydney and Melbourne, we're not exactly a shining beacon for gay rights. Anybody who steps into the breach in this sort of environment is going to be met with a round of applause by me.

She didn't follow up with a gasped "But I'm not a lesbian! Bisexuality is plagued by many myths, the most potent and harmful of which is that it's a phase for attention or confusion, and is invalidated by any choice you later make in terms of a life partner. I don't expect Blanchett to speak more freely on the topic she is, after all, a private woman — she didn't even tell the press she'd adopted a baby girl , but the forthright nature of her statement, and her apparent casualness about it, is very important to me.

That's nearly 20 years. It is fairly clear from that fact that her attraction to women, contrary to popular assumption, hasn't set up her relationship for ultimate doom because of her insatiable lust. Bisexual and both-gender-attracted people, aside from the stereotype of "greediness," are often viewed warily as longterm partners because their faithfulness is in doubt. Blanchett's long and apparently successful marriage puts paid to that nonsense.

The star was asked if she could define her character Carol's sexual orientation. Mara is years-old. It's about a department-store clerk who dreams of a better life. She then falls for an older, married woman.

The tale is set in s New York City. The director is Todd Haynes. Cate has never before hinted that she could be interested in the same sex. The star is best known for her daring roles such as the incomparable queen in 's Elizabeth and Galadriel in 's The Lord Of The Rings.

A longing for something else: The drama is about a department-store clerk who dreams of a better life falls for an older, married woman, and is set in s New York City But she has also taken on challenges like playing Jude in 's I'm Not There.

Cate Blanchett reveals she's had intimate relationships with women | Daily Mail Online

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Caroline is extremelly sad about the inminent loss of her mother. Daisy tells her daughter a history about the inaguration of the New Orlenas' train station in Daisy tells Caroline that she attended the inaguration ceremony and that the main clock of the station was going in reverse. The clockmaker who designed it, who lost his son at war, told at the inaguration that he decided to make the clock that way as a symbol for all the sons lost at war, and the desire of their parents to reverse time and have their sons standing up, coming back home again and living a great life. Daisy then asks Caroline to read aloud from the diary of Benjamin Button that Daisy has in her suitcase at the hospital.

Cate Blanchett bisexual past: Actress opens up about her ‘many relationships with women’

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Cate Blanchett Comes Out ish Posted on by Vee It seems lately as if every other celebrity is coming out or dyeing their armpit hair pink or revealing sexy secrets from their past, and the trend appears to be picking up steam, even among the upper echelons of the Hollywood elite. In an interview this week for her newest film Carol, which is premiering at Sundance, Cate Blanchett was asked if this was her first time acting as a lesbian. Many times. Carol is about an older woman married, played by Blanchett who falls in love with a younger woman played by Rooney Mara , and is based on the book The Price of Salt by Patricia Highsmith.