Had sex too soon how to fix it

But you will heal and your interest in sex will return. Some mums find that they feel sensual and sexual when breastfeeding their baby. It might not be the same shape, and you might not be the same weight as before. Others are more or less permanent. Some mums enjoy the changes to their body — for example, increased breast size. When to have sex again after baby When to have sex again is mostly about when you feel ready unless your doctor has advised otherwise.

Many mums feel pain or discomfort during sex, but this usually improves with time. Using a lubricant or oestrogen creams might make sex more comfortable. Sometimes discomfort can be because of muscle spasms or anxiety. On the other hand, some new mums and their partners find that sex is less satisfying because the muscles are too loose after being stretched during the birth. The muscles will gain tone again — pelvic floor exercises can help.

Try feeding your baby, or expressing, before having sex. Can having a vasectomy affect your sex drive? There is no evidence that having a vasectomy has any effect on sex drive. After a successful vasectomy, your testicles will continue to produce the male hormone testosterone just as they did before the procedure.

Testosterone plays an important role in maintaining your sex drive libido. If you notice a drop in sex drive after vasectomy then you should talk to your doctor. The drop in your sex drive may be due to other factors rather than the vasectomy. Can a vasectomy cause low testosterone? There is no clinical reason why testosterone production should be affected by having a vasectomy. Although there are a number of reports of men having a reduced sex drive and other symptoms of a low testosterone after a vasectomy, there is no strong evidence that there is any link between having a vasectomy and a low testosterone level.

You struggle with performance anxiety. Meaning the thought of having sex makes you worried and stressed. Mental or physical health issues may be making things difficult. You may have insecurities about a physical injury or condition, be unable to have sex, or your interest in sex may have been disrupted by a mental illness. Getting perspective on sex Anxieties surrounding sex can also come from different expectations about how much sex you think you should be having.

They may also need the setting and mood to feel right. The best way to do that is to talk to your partner. Listen to what they say.

It may be difficult to hear some of what they have to say — but this is always a risk if you want to have an open, honest talk. Try to understand their perspective.

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