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I don't think at that age I really understood what it was that had happened to me. But, somehow, I knew it was wrong and I felt to blame for letting the man touch me. Shortly after the incident, I told my parents about it. I cannot begin to imagine the weight my disclosure must have had on them - the grief and the rage; furious at themselves for failing to protect me, enraged at the man for doing this to me, and infuriated at the world for allowing this to happen to their young daughter.

The molestation could not have lasted more than a couple of minutes, but the incident affected my life in ways that are difficult to articulate. I don't think as a five-year-old you really understand that you have lost something when you are abused, but you have - something does change.

You lose your childhood really, your innocence is snatched away, and what little is left of that once pure child is now transformed into a sexual being, a child with a knowledge of things way before her time. From that moment on things were very different for me. I began covering myself up. Well into my teens I wore a t-shirt whenever I swam. I hated it when men stared at me; it made me uncomfortable.

I went through a bulimic phase and hated my body and the attention it brought. It took me a very long time after that to trust a man - or anyone - again. It focuses on the crisis in South Africa, a country dealing with an epidemic of child sexual abuse, but it is not exclusively for South Africans. Through photographs, journals, artwork and testimonies from the abused and abusers, it offers a glimpse into a world of utter depravity, of absolute horror, but of incredible resilience, too, as young survivors struggle to rebuild their lives.

My exploration began in November , when I received an assignment from a US-based women's magazine to take photographs for an article on infant rape in South Africa. I was only with them for a few days, but I was shocked by the numbers of children involved, and decided to continue working on the issue. The more I researched, the bigger the project became. Other contacts were made through individuals working in the field of child protection and healing.

Young survivors are surrounded by child rights activists and child protection officers whose absolute priority is the wellbeing of the children. It took me a very long time to gain their trust, but once I had it, I was considered one of them. Today, I believe that I am as much an activist for the rights and protection of these children as anyone else, and many police officers and child protection advocates remain my dear friends, as do many of the young survivors and their families.

All my photos and interviews with children were made with consent from the child's guardian or caretaker.

Once I had this, I would always explain to the child if they were old enough to understand that I was working on a project about the bad things that people do to children, that it also happened to me, and that I really hoped that one day when people saw these photos and read these interviews they would want help to stop this happening to other children.

I also guaranteed that they would never be identifiable in photos or interviews. When a child is molested or raped, they lose control over what is happening to them and their bodies, so while working with victims I was very sensitive about giving control back to them. I would begin by sitting on the floor in a corner or somewhere out of the way. Once in my spot, I would move very little. I would take very few photos, watching to see how the children responded to the camera.

I would interact with them often and become part of the team that worked to comfort them and make them feel safe. Throughout the process I would tell them that if at any time they felt uncomfortable with me or my camera, I would stop.

A few years into the project I decided I needed more than photography to tell this story. I was curious to know more about child sexual abuse; its impact on the survivors, their families, the police, the lawyers, and to try to understand what motivated the perpetrators.

So I began doing in-depth interviews. I used no particular set of questions during interviews. Instead, I formulated questions based on who I was working with, questions that would give me a better psychological and emotional understanding of their lives. I would always begin my interview by asking them to relay their story to me and as they talked I would jot down any questions that came to mind. Once they finished their story, I would ask more in-depth, personal questions related to the psychology behind the trauma.

Camden a local farmer. Being that all my friends were off on school holidays to the coast, I welcomed the respite from the boring stay at home thing. With his team we set of for Mr.

My first sight of the imposing 7 roomed thatched white colonial home has left an impression in mind, but as indelible as what happened that school holiday. Camden was a lanky tall individual with coal black hair some 43 years old, but with a friendly smile.

He enquired from my Dad as to me being there, and was accordingly informed that I had been bored at home being on holiday. Camden instructed. I looked at my Dad going into White peoples house was a foreign concept, he just nodded and said its okay, turned and started discussing work matters with Mr.

I followed Mrs Camden into the large expansive, cool airy house, I was struck by the fact that it seemed that the sun flowed through her dress and I could see her body, now having no experience I still knew that it was beautiful. She stopped and arched raising her hands above her head, like a cat stretching and paused. My eyes were filled with the sight of beautiful tanned legs and higher up, two mounds that seemed to straining against her dress.

She turned looked at me, I blushed furiously, knowing I had been caught peaking and awaited the outburst. I was dumbstruck when she just smiled, reached out and took my hand and led me into the kitchen. I was seated at the large kitchen table, when a movement from the corner caught my attention. A Labrador came sniffing and I was in terror. In the meantime Wagter start nuzzling against her, so she gave him a bit of the sandwich, then let him out the kitchen door.

My eyes could not drink in enough of this beautiful woman my gaze followed every step she took, and when she bent down in front of me to pick something of the floor, I was entranced by the sight of tanned white thighs. When she leaned over in front of me to remove the plate and glass, I saw my first breasts and nipples. I actually squirmed in my seat and shifted position as my penis was by now all hard. She seemed to find everything funny and giggled.

All too soon I had to leave to go outside and help my Dad. Most of this time was spent trying to get a glimpse of Mrs Camden. I worked in a daze; thankfully my Dad did not notice anything. At the end of the day, Mr Camden came to speak with my Dad. It seemed the work would be complete the next day.

Mr Camden then asked my Dad if I would like to spend the holidays at the farm, seeing I was bored at home. Also his 2 children would return from boarding school and would welcome the company. Being what the situation in the country was, this was something quite out of the ordinary, and my Dad was uncomfortable. Mr Camden assured my Dad that I would be given my own room in the main house, and they would take real good care of me. Not wanting to displease Mr Camden, my Dad indicated he would discuss with my Mum and if she agreed I could stay over.

All I could think of, was wow 3 weeks of drinking in Mrs Camden with my eyes, it was going to be awesome! When we arrived, was asked by Mr Camden to take my bags in to the house, and that Tombela would help show me to the room I was to stay in. In beautiful lilting English she giggled and told it was nice to see another Black face in the house, and showed me to my room. A room as big as half my house!! Still no Mrs Camden, around 12pm my Dad had completed all the work and I went outside to say goodbye.

As we said goodbye and I received more instructions, a grey Volvo Estate drew up and a very conservatively dressed Mrs Camden alighted. Even dressed in an Eskimo outfit she would look sexy. As I watched my Dad drive away, my anxiety was cut short, when she asked me to help Tombela bring in the provisions she had bought from a nearby town. She disappeared as we carried the goods inside. As we were packing stuff away inside the pantry my first experience of a pantry.

Camden was already seated at the end of the table and I was motioned to sit next to him. My jaw dropped when I saw Mrs Camden, she had changed into a white hot pants and a blue blouse, tied mid riff. I until then had never seen so much female flesh up close, long legs and bare foot again.

Mr Camden laughed at my expression. He explained…whatever happens in this house, he makes the rules, I must not worry about anything, only keep everything that happens a secret. Having assured me everything was okay, he asked again.. Wow I had such grown up friends. Judy said…. That she would talk about her daughters like that kind of escaped me. They both laughed, and said , oh Sal you are going to learn new games that Chloe and Clarissa will be teaching you, you will just love being with them.

Stories of child sex abuse in South Africa | Human Rights | Al Jazeera

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This day was no different. I was asked by the man of the house to come over and hang some ceiling fans. I could only fit them in during the week; therefore they would not be home while I was doing it.

Stories of child sex abuse in South Africa

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She called my brothers and sisters. She told them. Since then, I became different in the family.