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Brenda's relationships aside from the one she has with Dylan are prioritized in every episode, and she verbalizes this in the episode "Sleepover" when she tells her friend Kelly that she won't let a stupid boy come between her and her friends. At the West Beverly High spring dance, Brenda and Dylan make the decision to have sex for the first time.

As their relationship is taken to a new level, Brenda has to deal with the news that her family will be moving back to Minneapolis for her father's promotion in the season finale "coming Home". It seems as though all the friends that she made will be left behind, and lots of tears are shed as Brenda says her good-byes to her friends and ends her relationship with Dylan, fearing that long distance dating will cause Dylan to cheat while she's away.

The culmination of the season comes when Brenda's father decides to stay in Beverly Hills for the sake of his family's happiness, and Brenda informs Dylan that she is "late". Season 2[ edit ] Season two begins with the pregnancy scare between Brenda and Dylan. Brenda has to tell her parents after her mom finds the pregnancy test, and after struggling with the responsibilities that come with a sexual relationship, Brenda decides to end the relationship with Dylan.

Brenda withdraws back to her close inner circle of friends to reclaim her identity as an individual, and begins pursuing an acting class during the summer. She keeps her distance from Dylan, not trusting her ability to end their romance for good, but after he suffers a surfing injury and has to stay at the Walsh's to recover, Brenda rekindles the affair.

The situation causes a struggle between Brenda and her father, as he continues to see Brenda as a little girl even as she becomes a young woman. The change between season one Brenda and season two Brenda is that rather than trying to find her place in her new social circle, Brenda is becoming her own person and claiming her space as an adult in the Walsh family circle.

Dylan decides to move to Hawaii to live with his mother, and Brenda continues finding herself at home in Beverly Hills. They talk infrequently, and Brenda still struggles with whether she wants to end the relationship for good, and when Dylan returns from Hawaii they continue to see each other without the sexual aspect of the relationship.

The second season of the series introduces new characters and begins to focus on Brenda's twin brother Brandon more, developing his character in the storyline.

Brenda's character seems to develop on the sidelines while she and Dylan navigate their relationship, but she isn't disregarded in the plot. Brenda continues to learn her way out of the naivety that defined her season one character in side stories throughout season two, and towards the end of the season, makes decisions that go against her parents' wishes.

Walsh decides to keep them from seeing each other at all. The season finale ends with Kelly and David's parents' marriage at the Walsh's house, and to Brenda's dismay, a blow out fight between Dylan and Mr. Season 3[ edit ] Season three begins during the summer before Brenda's senior year of high school.

After the fight between Dylan and Mr. Walsh, Brenda was forbidden from seeing Dylan, but she continues to do so in secret. When her parents find out that she's been lying to them, Brenda stands up to them and demands to have her feelings for Dylan taken seriously. She goes so far as to pack up her clothes after the fight and leave home to be with Dylan at his house. She is distraught, but is frustrated that she's been forced to hide the most important relationship in her life from her family.

The cohabitation is more stressful than Brenda realized before moving in, and before long her and Dylan are fighting about everything. In an effort to cool things off, Brenda decides to go to Paris, France for a French immersion program in lieu of Kelly, who has taken her responsibility as a big sister very seriously and decided to stay home.

Walsh and Dylan both support Brenda's summer trip to France; Mr. Walsh, as a way to get Brenda away from Dylan, and Dylan as a way to get Brenda's father off his back. In Paris, Brenda focuses on exploring the sites and soaking up the French culture, deciding to hold off from calling Dylan so she doesn't get distracted.

She wants to evolve as a person, and not be directed by the men in her life; her father or Dylan. Brenda pretends to be a French native when she meets a young man named Rick, and their relationship becomes romantic. When Brenda returns home and leaves Rick behind in Paris, her relationship with Dylan gets back to normal, but even though she tells Dylan about Rick, he doesn't tell her about Kelly. When Rick suddenly shows up in Beverly Hills and runs into Brenda, Dylan discloses to Brenda that there was a girl over the summer, but doesn't tell her that it was her best friend.

After a dramatic break up, Brenda starts to see Rick, and Dylan immediately goes to Kelly's. As the season three directors develop the other characters' storylines, the plot surrounding Brenda, Kelly and Dylan seems to be a natural progression for the series.

The love triangle that followed Brenda's return from France quickly became a milestone in the series that helped increase her popularity and gave rise to the rumors of rivalry announced between Shannen Doherty and Jennie Garth off set. The final confrontation between Brenda, Dylan and Kelly - in which he informs Brenda that he has chosen her best friend - was listed by Entertainment Weekly as one of the greatest moments of television.

As the tension between the three continues, Brenda considers leaving Beverly Hills behind and applies to a Minnesota college. She feels abandoned by her friends as they are all more consumed with their respective romantic relationships and she is single and pining for her lost love with Dylan.

After several months, Brenda moves past her disappointment that Dylan had moved on with Kelly, and as the group starts making plans for after graduation, Brenda makes her decision to attend college in Minnesota, leaving her friends in Beverly Hills behind.

Season 4[ edit ] Brenda began the fourth season in Minnesota, where she had decided to enter university. She chose to go to university in Minnesota to prove that she could make it on her own, away from her family and out from underneath Brandon's shadow and more so, to distract herself from the painful feelings she experienced after Dylan chose to be with her best friend Kelly instead of her.

That same year, she had a small role as Katie Brockett in the movie Mumford , playing the daughter of a woman with a shopping addiction. Moss went on to do Heart of America and three other films in That year, she also made the movie Virgin , [8] for which she was nominated for a Independent Spirit Award.

Her work was a gift to every one who had the pleasure of reading her. A lesson for our country. She may be gone, but her writing, her resolve, and her grace will live on forever. Ilhan Omar shared a quote from Morrison, adding she is "holding all those touched by Toni Morrison in my heart today. That may be the meaning of life. But we do language. That may be the measure of our lives.

She was everything. The brilliance of her mind and spirit will live on in her words.

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In order to manage her education and career, she began homeschooling , and graduated in at age sixteen. She appeared in the television remake of the film Gypsy and played Harvey Keitel's younger daughter in the film Imaginary Crimes Beginning , Moss portrayed the recurring role of Zoey Bartlet in the White House television drama The West Wing , playing the daughter of Martin Sheen and Stockard Channing ; she would portray the character until the series finale in It required Zoey to be a bit of a pain with her fancy French boyfriend, but Moss always made her relatable, even when the plot required otherwise. That same year, she had a small role as Katie Brockett in the movie Mumford , playing the daughter of a woman with a shopping addiction.

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Although her passing represents a tremendous loss, we are grateful she had a long, well lived life. Our seer. Our truth-teller," Winfrey continued. She used them to roil us, to wake us, to educate us and help us grapple with our deepest wounds and try to comprehend them.