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Mark says: so the office will be empty… Sara says: two of us should stay behind to make sure everyone gets out safely. I just promoted you to assistant fire officer. Are you up to the task? Sara stood slowly with a devious smile growing across her face, sauntered nonchalantly over to the wall, checked no one was looking, grabbed the lever for the fire alarm and pulled.

The office suddenly became alive with noise, as obnoxious alarms began to screech and people began to clamber away from their desks. She stood by the fire escape door, held it open and pushed her colleagues out one by one, like paratroopers from a plane.

Mark was last, and before he could leave, she slammed the door closed. It was just her and him in the loud, empty office. She pressed her back against the door and took him by the tie, pulling him to her, and without a word, they kissed hard and urgently. He wrapped one strong hand around the back of her head, gripping her long hair, and pressed his weight into her. The sprinkler system switched on and they were doused as they kissed, as though the heat between them might cause them to ignite.

The cool water poured over them, drowning the fragrance of his aftershave and causing his white shirt to cling to his tall, slim frame. With one hand she explored his body, and with the other she unbuttoned her pants and slid her hand inside.

Mark stepped back, still holding her hair pressing her against the fire escape door, and watched her pleasure herself in anticipation of him. He listened to her quickening breath and the growing pleasure of her body as the sprinklers drenched them. She stood in heels, dark lace-top stockings shrouding her long creamy legs, silk suspenders and a lace thong with her hand inside, and her shirt and jacket. She pulled it out and stroked it as she stroked herself, and then pulled him to her, lifting her leg to his waist.

She gasped as he took control and began to push slowly inside, little by little. She began to grind up and down him, filling herself with him, holding him at the back of his neck for leverage and the other hand still pleasuring herself, enjoying the firmness of his grip in her hair.

Mark lifted her leg a little higher so she was on tiptoes, and stroked long, satisfying strokes in and out of her. Sara could feel his strength, he was essentially lifting her off the ground and pressing her into the door like he was going to fuck her through it. Her legs became weak as a familiar wave of pleasure rolled up her body, and she began to meet his thrusts with her own as she edged closer and closer. The waves of pleasure began to mount and evolve into bodily convulsions that gripped Mark tightly as he entered her, bringing him closer to his own peak.

Their faces were both turned up at the ceiling, eyes closed, mouths opened, soaking wet and moaning loudly. Finally, Sara allowed the wave to crash down on her and every muscle seized, hot convulsions shattering her whole body, breathing obscenities through gritted teeth. The convulsions gripped and massaged Mark within her, causing him to lose control, and he released a visceral growl as he climaxed inside her orgasm-wracked body.

Exhausted, they slumped into each other smiling under the water still cascading over them, the sounds of the alarms returning as their senses rallied. The Selfish One My alter ego, Jayne Renault , has a bit of a thing for smug masturbation sessions and sneaky plot twists. Conservation Area is no exception to that trend. The Salacious One Kay Brandt is a veritable powerhouse, a Jill of all trades in the erotic community, and when it comes to creating incredible lesbian erotic content, Kay literally wrote the book on it.

By combining her strengths in storytelling and filmmaking, she turned her best-selling lesbian erotica series The World of Cherry into what are still to this day the two biggest budget lesbian films ever made and erotic classics in their own right. The World of Cherry follow the exploits of the provocative, sexually insatiable Cherry—the owner of a luxurious exclusive club for women to explore and indulge in their most carnal desires with other women.

Along with the stunning cast of dancers and performers she employs, Cherry will always go above and beyond to satisfy her classy, wealthy clientele in every way. Why am I telling you all of this? The Spell-Binding One Vera Desailliers is a powerful sorceress and the Queen of the Mound of Gaia the order sworn to protect both our mortal world and its more magical counterpart. Since we first met Vera and her lovers , Sam and Evander, Anne Stagg has taken us deep into an enchanted world mired in old magic and Ancient Greek mythos, and of course, heaps of intense, passionate sexual energy based heavily on love, trust and communication.

But things take a very sudden turn for the whole gang when Jo is attacked by a rogue wolf on her way home one night… So, long story short, if you dig tales of fated love and primal lust, ancient betrayals and epic shapeshifter battles, quirky old gods and lovestruck werewolves, check out Blood Makes Noise by Anne Stagg.

The Smart and Sexy One Michael Rannigan is a big deal lawyer in New York City with a penchant for the finer things in life, including a revolving door of vapid blonde bombshells and sunny vacation spots. Instead of—or, in addition to, we're not judging—E. James' trilogy, here are 15 erotic books to wet your whistle. Their exploration includes orgies, vague necrophilia, sticking soft-boiled eggs into various orifices, and exhibitionism.

Not for the faint of heart or vagina. The narrator rendezvous with lots of prostitutes and other nameless women. The working title of Tropic of Cancer was "Crazy Cock," which tells you pretty much everything you need to know.

The masochistic acts O submits to are varied. Most notably she submits to an anus widening, so that her lover might penetrate her more easily. It was mostly written in the s, and its fantastical international tales of incestuous Hungarian adventurers, exotic Brazilian dancers, and dank Peruvian opium dens are still luscious and magical, and yes, transgressive, 70 years later. It's more literature with some extremely-well-written-yet-disturbing sexy bits. The short stories here deal with sexual humiliation, masochism, and the girlfriend experience—though they're emotionally resonant first, erotic second.

Baise-Moi by Virginie Despentes Despentes, who has worked, variously, giving happy endings in massage joints, in a record store, and as a freelance porn critic, wrote Baise-Moi, which she later made into a film. Two young female friends go on a sex and murder spree.

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I sense you through the fabric of my dreams, until joyous birdsong breaks my slumber and the morning sun streams through the window you open your eyes and find my mouth. This, in terms of form traditional, verse is an erotic poem addressed to a man by a woman — and, in so being, much is turned upside down in Norwegian poetry. What was considered good love poetry had hitherto largely been written by men. In terms of form and language, however, she is still safely within the late-Romantic and classical tradition that dominated Norwegian poetry right up until the Second World War. In Norway of the s and s there was a now hidden and forgotten undergrowth of erotic poetry written by women.

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Sex in fiction, like sex on a beach, ought to be a no-brainer. On the one hand, there's, well, sex, a source of mystifying pleasure and profundity that for most people rarely elicits any articulation other than a contented grunt, groan, or gasp. On the other hand, there's the novel, an artistic enterprise devoted to making verbal sense of mute experience. In theory, the setup seems the perfect illustration of the Reese's principle: two great tastes that taste great together. But theory is not practice, and life, friends, is not a peanut-butter cup.