Crazy sexy cancer girl

Her careful and precise monitoring of her food intake allows her a sense of control which she finds comforting. Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma[ edit ] As Carr discovers at the beginning of the film, she has a rare form of cancer called epithelioid hemangioendothelioma EHE.

In Kris Carr's case, she has tumors affecting the blood vessels in her liver and lungs. From the doctor's explanation, her liver has so many tumors it looks like Swiss cheese. EHE is so rare, it is only diagnosed to times a year, or to about. As is the case with Kris Carr, it is "most often an incidental finding in young asymptomatic women.

One doctor suggests she undergo a triple organ transplant both her lungs and her liver , an idea that Carr does not take a liking to, particularly because it is so invasive and not necessary. George Demetri, director of the Center for Sarcoma and Bone Oncology at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston , and his optimism about Carr's situation allows for a great relationship between doctor and patient.

When her doctor tells her to try to boost her immune system by changing her diet and lifestyle, Carr clings to this hope with as much fervor as possible. She starts by ditching her old habits of turning to convenient "low-fat" diet foods and trades it in for a new vegan diet.

She enrolls in a healing program by Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach, Florida and immediately her refrigerator is filled with such foods as "leafy greens, vegetables, sprouted grains, nuts, seeds, and every kind of juice possible, including tons of wheatgrass.

She subjects herself to enemas as well as treats herself to massages and new-wave therapies such as infrared saunas. While it is yoga that initially brings Carr to her diagnosis, it also helps Carr in her healing process. Yoga becomes a part of her daily activities. In addition to improving her physical well-being, Carr approaches her cancer with a certain amount of spirituality.

She visits a Zen Monastery, and even develops her own "special space" where she spends at least 10 minutes every day praying, meditating, and giving thanks for her family, friends, and the life she lives. As Carr describes it, "Cancer creates pandemonium. Crazy sexy life[ edit ] In the movie, Carr emphasizes the importance of having a "cancer posse.

Crazy Sexy Cancer is Carr's first piece of work. These books include articles and introductions by other famous female cancer survivors, including Sheryl Crow , Marisa Acocella Marchetto , Diem Brown, Jackie Farry, and many more.

In addition to the film and books, Carr has essentially pioneered an entire online community intended to support other strong-willed women in their fight against cancer. When Carr was originally diagnosed, she felt alone and confused in her struggle.

Healing narrative[ edit ] Crazy Sexy Cancer is a film that focuses on "healing" in a spiritual sense of the word rather than the illness itself. This film is more than a story of a woman with cancer. As the film progresses, so does Carr herself, and we see how in the end it is the cancer that heals Carr.

Some ideas and themes that are seen throughout Crazy Sexy Cancer include: Optimism — The tone of the entire film is upbeat. I felt like I was staring down the barrel of a gun, waiting to find out how many bullets were inside. Carr pressed the doctor on her options. With two dozen time bombs ticking inside her? How could I live with cancer without thinking of dying every day?

Well, he offered, she could try to strengthen her immune system through diet and lifestyle changes. I was going to dive in and become a full-time healing junkie.

She sought second, third and fourth opinions. She traded in fast food for a vegan diet and swapped martinis for a green brew of cucumbers, kale, celery and sprouts. She explored alternative therapies, including massage and meditation, and even spent time in a Zen monastery. And she began the empowering process of documenting and filming her journey—everything and everyone she met, from the physicians to the gurus to the quacks.

Among the dismissed: the one who recommended a triple organ transplant her liver and both lungs. They can help you, or they can kill you. We are still alive and whole. The most important thing is to have a voice and use it. The new approach, she says, shatters the stigma that cancer is either a death sentence or something that has to be eradicated—and opens the door to treatments designed to keep tumors in check, which could buy time while new therapies are developed.

She changed her lifestyle, met a new community of women and ditched acting for writing, something she never believed she could do. During the project, they fell in love—and Fassett and Carr who, when first diagnosed, thought she would never date again, let alone marry got hitched in the fall of So how is the year-old Carr today, more than five years since her life-altering diagnosis?

Once I was able to change my focus, desperation led to inspiration. I made so many changes, and I thought: This is an awesome life. How can you live with the knowledge of cancer?

I think: Just go for it. Life is a terminal condition. Cancer patients just have more information, but we all, in some ways, wait for permission to live.

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Full-color photos accompany personal stories and candid revelations in this scrapbook of advice, warnings and resources for the cancer patient. Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips covers everything from choosing an oncologist, to building a complementary team, to navigating your changing social life, to essential tips on nutrition and how to boost your immune system. The resulting cancer resource book is a warm, informative tool for any man or woman newly diagnosed with the disease and for the people who love them. I entered trench warfare wearing cowboy boots into the MRI machine, no less. Cancer needed a makeover, and I was just the gal to do it!

She's young and sassy . . . and she has cancer

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Random musings on any number of topics, inspired by real life. Not every post will be cancer related! But you'll have to excuse me for being slightly obsessed right now! Being the book nerd that I am, I immediately went to my local library to pick up the book. I also borrowed Ms.