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A bunch of young singles are thrown together in a house, set in the kind of tropical paradise required for finding true love on television. If they figure out all the correct pairings before the end of the season, the housemates will win a million dollars. For the past seven seasons, the men have been paired with women, and women with men. But in the current, eighth, iteration of the show, which debuted June 26, MTV flipped the shtick by including only sexually fluid participants who are attracted to all genders, so that, in the parlance of promotional materials, anything goes!

The concept of sexual fluidity itself is often deployed in reality TV as a strategy through which shows can hint at queerness for mainstream viewers — without actually exploring queer culture outside a straight gaze.

Now Are You the One? Queerness on reality dating shows has mostly been treated superficially, like with the trope of the sudden reveal. Boy Meets Boy, which aired in on Bravo, involved a Bachelor-style butch gay guy finding love among 15 suitors. But we felt by putting [the twist] in, we would get a much broader audience. It was mostly notable for its lack of drama and bad cast. Host Lance Bass possessed all the shiny, plastic charisma of a grocery store green apple. These shows were not explicitly focused on the actual challenges posed by dating as a queer, gender-nonconforming person in a straight world.

Plus, the central objects of desire were hot in conventionally gendered ways, and the shows worked through enticing plot gambits that could bring in mainstream audiences.

Are You the One? But the housemates in Are You the One? In bringing them all together, the show is creating a televisual space to stage the complexities of gender and desire that can come with queer dating and that are rarely seen on television — or in pop culture, period.

Like most reality shows, Are You the One? The eighth season is strong on both counts. As the housemates engage with each other, falling into and out of connections and figuring out their feelings for each other in search of the grand prize, they are remarkably open and self-aware about the difficulties — and pleasures — of breaking out of old dating patterns.

While most dating shows idealize existing ideas about love and desire, these castmates are openly grappling with cultural scripts — and creating new ones.

That element takes a funnier turn through Jonathan, a more femme guy, who also has a crush on Justin. Jonathan contorts himself to convince us — or himself? The show strikes a nice balance between a kind of pedagogy for clueless viewers — as the housemates explain their relationships to gendered identities — and being just another dating show.

You're disproportionately likely to find people like this on the app. Chappy is free to download, though as their user base grows, so too might potential in-app purchases. Check it out here. It's also not likely to happen anytime soon, due to the scale of investment required and the audience served. Dating apps need lots and lots of users to be successful, and with Tinder and OkCupid already sort of serving the community, I don't expect new ones to make major inroads anytime soon.

However, OkCupid was impressively much faster than other apps to expand their orientation and gender identity options. In , OkCupid began offering their users more than a dozen different ways to identify. The app currently offers users 22 different genders and 13 orientations to choose from, and also includes helpful descriptions of each for folks who are unfamiliar with this kind of stuff.

And unlike Tinder, OkCupid gives so much more room for people to write profiles, answer questions, and explain their possibly questionable worldview. While it's impossible for the app to screen out all the haters, you can get a decent sense of user's views on trans and queer people and whether they're gonna be an asshole because you love cable TV.

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A bunch of young singles are thrown together in a house, set in the kind of tropical paradise required for finding true love on television. If they figure out all the correct pairings before the end of the season, the housemates will win a million dollars. For the past seven seasons, the men have been paired with women, and women with men.