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Public displays of affection may get you into trouble with the police. Carry a copy of your passport, or your Omani ID if you are a resident, at all times for identification and keep the original document in a safe place. If you are subject to a travel ban, involved in legal proceedings, fraud, bounced cheques, have unpaid debt or are a child subject to a custody dispute, you may be prevented from leaving the country.

Foreign nationals must pay all outstanding debts and traffic fines before leaving the country. You can pay fines at the airport. Importing drugs and pornography into Oman is illegal and can lead to imprisonment. The penalties for drug trafficking, smuggling and possession, of even residual amounts, of drugs are severe. In some cases, the death penalty could apply. Licensed hotels and restaurants sell alcohol.

If you live in Oman, you can get a licence to drink alcohol at home from the Royal Oman police. The legal age for drinking alcohol is Flying drones or remote-controlled flying devices without a valid licence is against the law. Homosexuality is illegal in Oman. See our information and advice page for the LGBT community before you travel. Disgusted and horrified, Radcliffe burned all his papers and refused the fee of 40, rupees for his work. He left on Independence Day and never returned.

His border may have been hastily and arbitrarily drawn, but it is hard to see how any new, religion-based borderline across relatively integrated lands would not have led to chaos, violence and bloodshed.

Yet the speed with which Britain wanted to leave India, and the internal dynamics of Indian politics, necessitated such a border. But to be precise, we need to distinguish between the two Radcliffe Lines [11] drawn up by either of the Radcliffe Border Commissions: the current Indo-Bangladeshi border, and the Indo-Pakistani border as it runs through the Punjab.

This is the least-contested part of the line dividing both countries [12] , running through the thinly populated Thaar Desert and the Great Rann of Kutch, an enormous seasonal salt marsh.

The tricky part of the 1,mile line dividing Pakistan and India lies north of Punjab. This used to be the princely state of Kashmir, the ruler of which had to decide after independence whether to accede to India or Pakistan. But while the maharajah was maneuvering to keep Kashmir neutral and independent from both — a sort of Himalayan Switzerland — a pro-Pakistan rebellion forced him to ask for Indian assistance, which was granted only after Kashmir agreed to join India.

War broke out between Pakistan and India, and the two newborn countries fought to a standstill over Kashmir in , and again in — and again in Most of Kashmir is Indian-held, while the Pakistani hold a crescent-shaped eastern bit. And while India and Pakistan agreed to respect the line of control by the Simla Agreement in , that document left out the Siachen Glacier, subsequently occupied by India in and occasionally skirmished over although sub-zero temperatures and avalanches claim more lives than the actual fighting.

Related More From Borderlines Read previous contributions to this series. A chilling addition to the ever-looming risk of war occurred in May , when first India, then Pakistan conducted successful test explosions of atomic bombs, raising the specter of fratricide by nuclear war. So is there no hope for lasting peace? There is, if you believe that small steps matter: in , the commander in charge of the Pakistani Rangers announced that the aggressive nature of the Wagah ceremony would be toned down to reflect the desire for improved relationship between both countries.

No details are available on the specifics. Did the sentries have their moustaches clipped? Or does that curt handshake last just a bit longer nowadays? Frank Jacobs is a London-based author and blogger. He writes about cartography, but only the interesting bits. It also coincides with the longest road of the Asian Highway Network, the 12,mile Asian Highway 1, theoretically connecting Tokyo and Istanbul.

The crossing at Munabao, further south, is only by train and closed to all but citizens of either country. There are also a few direct flights between the big cities in Pakistan and India. Before the Indo-Pakistani War of , the border crossing was at Hussainiwala, about 40 miles south of Wagah. That crossing remains closed, but Hussainiwala also retains a lowering-the-flag ceremony. Those travels have earned him the presidency of the Royal Geographic Society ; Mr.

Palin was succeeded on June 11, by Prof. Palin applies to Mr. Cleese for a grant to develop his very own silly walk. Under his premiership, Queen Victoria was proclaimed empress of India, a title her successors kept until Most of India was under direct British rule 60 percent of the total area, and as much as 75 percent of the total population , but there remained a few hundred princely states over which the British ruled only vicariously, through local maharajahs.

At its greatest extent, the Raj encompassed not only present-day India minus small French and Portuguese possessions like Pondicherry and Goa , Pakistan, Bangladesh and Myanmar, but also, for shorter periods, Aden now part of Yemen , British Somaliland now part of Somalia and Singapore.

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